Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Morning Dove

"Is she hurt?" I asked my husband.

"No, it's so windy the birds are grounded."

The bird then hopped on the outside table. I ran for my camera, changed lenses then shot through the glass first, our dog Scout next to me, straining to see what I saw. She loves to chase birds.

My husband held Scout while I opened the door to get a better angle and clearer shot, feeling the blast of cold sucked into the room.

The bird reminded me of the Robert Louis Stevenson poem from A Child’s Garden of Verses:

Time to Rise 

A birdie with a yellow bill

Hopped upon my window sill,

Cocked his shining eye and said:

"Ain't you 'shamed, you sleepy-head!"

Now my husband says, “What are we doing here?” since this little photo op and story vignette disrupted our work.

“I’m posting a blog real quick.”

“There’s no such thing.”

Alas, time to rise. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This reminds me of the dove we had on our mailbox at Christine. And you took pictures of it, too!