Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sweet Boys and Angry Birds

When 4-year-old grandsons Beau and Beck come over, sooner or later they say, "Gran, can I play on your iPod?"

Their favorite game: Angry Birds. Also one of the NYT Top 10 Must-Have Apps.

Some pictures from a day in the life. I take that back. A few hours in the life because they go home at night to wake their mom and dad as often as possible.

"I didn't get the pig!"
This is scary. What will this generation know when they reach my age?
A matter of perspective …
Advancing, Beck unlocks levels of increasing difficulty.
Does this look familiar?
Beau fell asleep across my lap and kept snoozing when moved.
Beck said, "Take a picture of us."
Remember, Beau is asleep.

 New venture, thread over and under horizontal handles.
Beck said, "I can't do it. It's eleven." Eleven what?
"I need it longer."

"I need help, Gran." So Gran added some ribbon.
Love watching little hands at work.  

"I need to get Poppy."
"Poppy, you need to come see this."

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